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" Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all."


Azuria Diesirae Balthazar

"God is my help for the day of wrath.
May God preserve my life."


+The Fury+
A general supporter of evil aligned deities


Azuria seems to feign innocence and may even come off as childish, but in truth she is a sociopath due to the many years of extreme abuse she endured as a child and into adulthood.

Unfortunately, fools fall for the face of an angel and often will find themselves and their fate in her hands.

Although on a simple day, if you took away all of the murder and atrocities, she would just be an apathetic girl preferring to live a materialistic, sedentary lifestyle.

However, Azuria has been and may always be a very selfish and disturbed individual. The strange exception is that she may exhibit a rare softness under particular circumstances.



Somewhere in the 5ft range, smaller hourglass frame with skin that is soft, pale, and cool to the touch.


Long, thick, sleek, and black hair and eyes of indigo that may glow when excitable.


Placid, dead, empty stares. However, this can quickly change if triggered to give an emotional response.


Voice is comparable to that of a young girl. Although her tone is rather monotonous, there is a hint of a mysterious accent that may be perceived as sultry.


Enjoys the violin.
Obsessed with white-haired men.



Azuria's surname dates back to ancient times, but a branch in the lineage was influenced by the Strigoi vampires that later evolved into the Moroi vampires. Generations have spread to other parts of Golarion, but the Balthazar lineage later became an independent, separatist family.Now very little is known anymore about her heritage, except what are now rumors that the family used to be cannibalistic aristocrats that placed their faith in gods of darkness.

This Balthazar bloodline was noble and resided for generations in a fortress built in snow covered highland mountains.Her father is a mystery and her mother, Anaiah Balthazar, didn't live long into Azuria's childhood. She was left with fragmented memories of her mother's tenderness covered in blood stains that ran as deep as Hell.

The dark rumors of the family had drawn attention from a holy order of knights that were later dispatched to overrun the fortress and eliminate the family.

However, a corrupt priest leading the expedition within the order planned to diverge from the holy order's plan. While everyone within the fortress was slaughtered as originally intended, he kept Lady Anaiah Balthazar alive and imprisoned in the dungeon within her own fortress.

The explanation of his deviated goal to the holy order was to learn more about vampires through scientific experimentation. Although in truth it was an excuse to allow torture to be conducted, as well as learning and practicing dark arts.

Additionally, Anaiah had twin dhampir daughters that were kept alive at the behest of the Lady. Their names were Azuria and Aishtar; the only difference being in the color of their eyes. So even as Azuria suffered, so did her sibling experience the tragedy all the same.

Anaiah Balthazar

Azuria Balthazar

Aishtar Balthazar

However, no one ever talked about the other forms of unspeakable torment Azuria, her sister, and mother underwent while in their captivity; After all, Anaiah was beautiful to behold and her daughters were her spitting image. The twins were forced to watch the unfortunate fate of their mother.

Anaiah would not survive the incredible strain on her body and spirit. Before her passing, she tried her best to explain to her daughters that not everyone treated one another this way, in hopes that they would survive to see the light of days spent free from those that hunted them.Although now that the mother had failed to stay alive, the twins were utilized next...

And so what happens when you place or trap two individuals alone
to cling to one another in an unforgiving world full of cruelty and madness?
They became one another's first love.

"We can withstand any fucking horrible thing they do to us... As long as we have each other..."

It was wrong against religious and societal standards, but the tiny dark world in which they became enslaved to knew no such rules. It was only in the love they had for each other that enabled them to mentally survive the brutal and savage demonstrations that continued day in and day out in place of their mother.But as luck would have it, they would see it brought to an end...

"Life is just a fog, you will wander aimlessly...You will, stumble, crash, and fall... Don't let it define your plans young pups, let it empower you, to grow strong."

A mysterious and powerful wolf-demon in the mountains discovered the fortress and investigated the suspicious gathering of supposed church servants there. He watched their activity for some time until it could be confirmed that there was recognizable dark energy being harbored within.

The wolf-demon infiltrated the fortress and found the twins. He stopped in a sorrowful awe to behold the absolute pitiful state their bodies were kept. His wrath from this sight ensured that no one else there would leave or survive.

From that day forward he decided to take the twins under his wing until he felt he taught them everything he knew and become old enough to fend for themselves.